Avviso di rischio: i CFD sono strumenti complessi e comportano un elevato rischio di perdita di denaro rapidamente a causa della leva finanziaria. Il 72.53% dei conti degli investitori al dettaglio perde denaro quando negozia CFD con questo fornitore. Dovresti considerare se comprendi come funzionano i CFD e se puoi permetterti di correre l'alto rischio di perdere il tuo denaro.

cTrader per iOS

Accedi al tuo conto cTrader ovunque e in qualsiasi parte del mondo usando l'applicazione iOS ultra rapida di cTrader.

Installa cTrader per iPhone/iPAD

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Trade on the most sophisticated trading technology IC Markets cTrader iOS

cTrader di IC Markets per iPhone ti fornisce il meglio del trading FX come app nativa. Ottieni l'accesso ai nostri migliori spread sul mercato e una velocità di esecuzione senza rivali direttamente dal tuo dispositivo iOS. Avrai a disposizione le stesse funzionalità fondamentali di cTrader Web sui dispositivi mobili, con tempi di avvio più rapidi e la stessa interfaccia facile da utilizzare.

Puoi accedere a questa versione portatile di cTrader da qualsiasi dispositivo iOS, per essere sempre connesso al mercato più liquido del mondo.

cTrader per iOS ti fornisce tutti gli strumenti necessari per un'efficace analisi tecnica, tra cui indicatori del trend, oscillatori, misure sulla volatilità e linee di tendenza, tutto accessibile direttamente dal grafico.

Usa cTrader ios

*Your capital is at risk

Requisiti di Sistema iPhone iOS6 e successivi.

Fai trading Forex anche fuori casa con il tuo iPhone o iPad!

The World's Most Popular Platform

What makes IC Markets' cTrader Platform different?

IC Markets has partnered with key providers to bring you a powerful and user-friendly platform designed to take your trading to the next level.

Extremely Low Spreads

IC Markets boasts some of the tightest spreads of all Forex CFD providers globally. Spreads on the EUR/USD can often be seen at 0.0 pips during the European and North American trading sessions. The average spread on EUR/USD is 0.1 pips 24/5.

Fast Order Execution

The IC Markets cTrader server is located in the LD5 IBX Equinix Data Centre in London. The LD5 IBX data centre referred to as a financial ecosystem is home to over 600 buy and sell side firms, exchanges, trading venues, market data and service providers.

Advanced Trading Tools

IC Markets' cTrader offers advanced trading tools including advanced order types, depth of market (DOM) and volume-weighted average price (VWAP) indicators, to help you make informed trading decisions.

Smart Stop Out

The Smart Stop Out logic in cTrader has been designed to provide maximum protection to traders’ accounts. This logic will replace cTrader’s Fair Stop Out logic because it provides significant benefits for users by using a much more advanced algorithm.

Level II Pricing

cTrader platform offers complete transparency of the liquidity of each currency pair by showing the available volumes for each price level at any given time. IC Markets' high liquidity, asynchronous spot prices and low latency guarantee the tightest possible spreads.

No Restrictions on Trading

Our cTrader platform has no restrictions on trading, providing you with some of the best trading conditions. This allows traders to place orders between the spread as there is no minimum order distance and a freeze level of 0. This means orders including stop loss orders can be placed as close to the market price as you like.

About cTrader

cTrader is a moderately new retail trading platform compared to the MetaQuotes' platform. It offers ultra-fast order execution capabilities and user-friendly platform allowing you to enjoy Raw Pricing trading with No Dealing Desk trading from anywhere in the world.

  • Simple user interface
  • Advanced take profit and stop loss systems
  • Detachable charts and varying chart time frames
  • Live sentiments and depth of market.
Download cTrader

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How to open an cTrader account with IC Markets.

Before you can start trading, you will need to open a Standard or Professional cTrader account. Upon successful account registration, you will find your cTrader account details listed in your Personal Area.

  • Step 01 Open an account with IC Markets
  • Step 02 Download the exe file from the Trading tools section
  • Step 03 Run the trading terminal on your Device
  • Step 04 Select ‘Login to Trade Account’ in File menu
  • Step 05 Enter your credentials and the server of your cTrader
  • Step 06 You will hear a chime confirming your login
Start Trading

*Your capital is at risk

Inzia a fare trading Forex

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